阿滴全英文发声给WHO 小英感动转发(组图)

发表:2020-02-11 19:09
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中共肺炎疫情持续升温,WHO一直屈从于北京当局,刻意矮化台湾,不让台湾列席成为观察员,导致台湾的名称一再被更改,终于在许多友邦国齐声协助下,能以“Taipei”名称,在线上参与会议。知名Youtuber“阿滴英文”,在10日推出的最新影片“An open letter to the World Health Organization(from TAIWAN)”,阿滴以全英文方式喊话WHO,希望WHO能正视台湾人民需求,而这段影片感动人心,也让总统蔡英文赞赏转发。



阿滴强调:“台湾拥有全球最佳的健保制度,还有与其他先进国家并驾齐驱的医疗水准。如果让台湾参与世界卫生组织,我们将有机会分享对抗SARS和其他流行疾病的宝贵经验,进一步帮助世界各国,包括betway必威体育官网 。透过我们的全民健康覆盖、卫生应急响应,和专业的医疗训练,台湾能帮助全世界。”


总统蔡英文转发阿滴影片表示,“把台湾人的声音传达给全世界!” (图片来源:中央社图fl11fl)





Hello Internet,my name is Ray,I'm aYouTuber from Taiwan,and this is an open letter to the World Health Organization。

Dear WHO,I'm not sure if you've noticed,but a lot of your members have been voicing support for the inclusion of Taiwan in the WHO。

Since the novel coronavirus outbreak was designated as aglobal health emergency,core WHO members and their heads of state and officials,including Justin Trudeau,Shinzo Abe,7 American senators,and the European Union(and more),have called on you to grant at the very least observer status to Taiwan。Having said that,I feel like as aTaiwanese citizen,it's imperative that we also speak up for ourselves。

Disease knows no boundaries。Taiwan's participation in the WHO is crucial not just to Taiwan but also to the world。A concerted,global effort is the only way to ensure the health and welfare of everyone。The coronavirus that began in Wuhan,China,has already spread to other regions and countries,excluding Taiwan could make it a"blind spot"in the international response to the disease。

But we're not just here playing the victim here,Taiwan can help。Taiwan's healthcare system is lauded as among the best in the world,and our medical standards are generally on par with top global countries。The inclusion of Taiwan in world health assemblies and events would enable it to share its invaluable experiences in combating SARS,Ebola and other pandemics,helping countries around the world,including China。With our universal health coverage,health emergency response,and professional medical training,Taiwan can benefit the world。

Now you might say,Taiwan's already represented by China in the WHO,but Taiwan's geological separation and its independent disease control system and air traffic management provide further justification to why the WHO must take different approaches to Taiwan and China amid the coronavirus outbreak。

Also,given our proximity,Taiwan is at the very frontline battling this coronavirus from China,and we are skilled,determined,and equipped with past experiences combating different viruses。Excluding us is putting close to 24 million lives and the global population at risk。

As a Taiwanese,as a member of the global community,I am asking you on behalf of the world to include Taiwan。By allowing our participation in the WHO,you will be realizing the organization's vision of health as abasic human right and health for all without exception。Thank you for your time。



疾病的肆虐是无视国界的。台湾能否参与世界卫生组织不仅对我们重要,对全世界也很重要。全球团结一致、齐心协力,才能最有效的保障所有人的健康与福祉。从betway必威体育官网 武汉开始的冠状病毒疫情已扩散到其他地区与国家,将台湾排除在世界卫生组织外将造成国际上防疫的“盲点”。


然而,我们并不是要博取同情,而是想让世界知道台湾能帮上忙。台湾拥有全球最佳的健保制度,还有与其他先进国家并驾齐驱的医疗水准。如果让台湾参与世界卫生组织,我们将有机会分享对抗SARS和其他流行疾病的宝贵经验,进一步帮助世界各国,包括betway必威体育官网 。透过我们的全民健康覆盖、卫生应急响应,和专业的医疗训练,台湾能帮助全世界。

不过,你可能会说,betway必威体育官网 已经代表台湾参加世界卫生组织了。但是,台湾在地理位置的区隔下有独立的疾病控管系统和航空交通管制,这说明了为什么世界卫生组织在处理冠状病毒的疫情时更应该对台湾和betway必威体育官网 采取不同的应对方式。

同时,台湾跟betway必威体育官网 就在隔壁,台湾站在对抗新型冠状病毒的最前线,且我们有能力、有决心,也有对抗不同病毒的丰富经验。将我们排除在外,即代表忽视将近2400万的台湾人民与全球人口的生命安全。



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