习近平与川普(图片来源:Getty Images)
【betway必威体育官网 2019年11月8日讯】(betway必威体育官网 记者天琴翻译)11月7日(周四),9名betway必威体育官网 芬太尼毒贩在河北邢台被判刑。向美国走私芬太尼(fentanyl)的罪犯刘勇被判死刑,缓刑两年。蒋菊华和王凤玺被判处无期徒刑。另外6人分别获刑6个月到10年不等。
这是美中第一次联手打击走私贩卖芬太尼。当天,美国国家药物管制政策办公室发布,关于于芬太尼贩运者和生产者在betway必威体育官网 受到起诉和判刑的声明。
国家药物管制政策办公室主任吉姆·卡洛尔说,betway必威体育官网 采取的具体行动是川普总统在这个问题上的强有力领导,以及许多国会议员亲自参与,传达川普政府挽救美国生命的承诺的直接结果;他期待与betway必威体育官网 进一步合作,以阻止这些致命物质流入美国。卡洛尔表示,2019年9月,在北京举行的会议中,他获得了中方严惩芬太尼毒品犯罪的承诺。
ONDCP Statement on Chinese Prosecution and Sentencing of Fentanyl Traffickers and Producers
Issued on: November 7, 2019
Today, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Director Jim Carroll released the following statement after the Chinese government announced the conviction of multiple suspects charged with production and trafficking of illicit drugs, including fentanyl and its analogues.
今天,白宫国家药物管制政策办公室主任吉姆·卡洛尔(Jim Carroll)在betway必威体育官网
“The concrete action taken by China is a direct result of President Trump’s strong leadership on this issue, and the personal engagement by many members of Congress in communicating our entire government’s commitment to saving American lives. China’s fentanyl trafficking and production prosecution is a positive step in following through on the pledge secured by President Trump. We look forward to further cooperation to stop the flow of these deadly substances into the United States,” ONDCP Director Jim Carroll said.
的芬太尼贩运和生产起诉是兑现川普总统保证的承诺的积极步骤。我们期待进一步合作,以阻止这些致命物质流入美国。”国家药物管制政策办公室主任吉姆·卡洛尔(Jim Carroll)说。
In a meeting with President Trump in December 2018, President Xi agreed to designate the entire class of fentanyl-related substances as Controlled Substances, meaning that people manufacturing and trafficking fentanyl into the United States will be subject to maximum penalties under Chinese law.
During meetings in Beijing in September 2019, Director Carroll secured commitments from China to take further steps and law enforcement action to crack down on illicit fentanyl production and trafficking. These actions include: establishing recurring law enforcement cooperation meetings, rapidly responding to investigative leads, expanding detection and narcotics laboratory capabilities, improving the tracking of postal shipments, and launching joint investigations.
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