有人说,betway必威体育官网 只有两种人----「体制内人」和「体制外人」。而眼下,争相回到体制内,成为betway必威体育官网 最时髦的命运转机。那么,体制内外到底有什么区别呢?让我们来看看。
在betway必威体育官网 ,体制内和体制外是个含糊的说法,似乎是只可意会不可言传。一般,体制内,就是当今的公务员和有行政职能的事业编制;体制外,就是前两者之外的,如依托市场经济体制的企业、纯市场化运作的事业单位、个体、自由职业、无业者等等,以及广大的农民,俗称P民。
陶笸箩还谈到,体制内的好处远远不止这点,GDP涨得越高,百姓税负越重,当全betway必威体育官网 百姓都水深火热,被房价、物价抽筋扒皮的时候,只有体制内还可以安之若泰。
例如,在betway必威体育官网 ,“经济适用房”普通老百姓多花钱也别想买到,能享受的却是「体制内」的人。
2009 年,福布斯杂志推出全球税负痛苦指数排行榜,betway必威体育官网 排名全球第二,排名第一的则是法国。两者之间不同的是,法国民众享受着优越的社会福利。而betway必威体育官网 人税收越来越重,却有数亿民众只交税,享受不到任何养老、医疗、失业保险、住房补贴、义务教育福利,因为,他们是「体制外」的人。
Two Different Lives of Insiders and Outsiders of Chinese System
Some say that China only has two kinds of people,
“insiders of the system” and “outsiders of the system.”
Currently, rushing back into the system has become
the most fashionable turn for the better.
What』s the difference between insiders and outsiders?
Let's take a look.
In China, “the system” is a vague description.
It can be understood, but not describable in words.
Generally speaking, “within the system” refers to
people in civil service and administrative agencies.
“Outside the system” means in other institutions,
such as firms based on market operations,
professionals, unemployed, and peasants,
known as the P people (the unworthy).
How attractive is it to be within the system?
Tao Poluo published an article in UK』s Financial Times,
"Go into the system, " in which he mentioned
a simple way to taste the benefit:
dine in the “cafeteria within the system.”
In Dec. 2010, netizens published on line a
"Weekly Menu" of Nanjing municipal agencies.
It attracted the attention of tens of thousands.
Of the 120 dishes, the cheapest was 50 cents;
the most expensive was only 2 yuan and 50 cents.
Netizens lamented: "So cheap and so many varieties."
A government agency in Chengdu, Sichuan Province
started to offer “1 dollar lunch/dinner” in Jan. 2010.
Online posts about this sparked heated debates.
Tao said there are other benefits within the system.
The higher the GDP rises, the heavier the tax burden.
When all Chinese are tormented by high housing
and merchandize prices,
people within the system are imperturbable.
Historian Su Ming said, the CCP tried all means
to squeeze people's money from their pockets
for the survival of the regime.
It is not for the country or the people,
but for a small privileged group of vested interests.
Su: A financial economist got a number through
his calculation that the Party officials』 gray income
is equal to 30% of China』s annual GDP.
Out of the 26 trillion yuan of China』s annual GDP,
nearly 8,000 billion yuan is embezzled by the officials.
In China, "affordable housing" is out of the reach
of the ordinary people. It is enjoyed by “the insiders.”
In 2010, in Shanyang County in Shaanxi,
90% of applicants for affordable housing were found
to be civil servants. On Jan. 13, 2011,
the applicant list of "affordable housing"
in Shanghang County, Fujian, was posted online
and stirred up heated discussion,
as 87% were government employees.
In 2009, Forbes published Global Tax Misery Index.
China is ranked second, and the first was France.
However, the French enjoy a lot social benefits.
The Chinese only see increasingly heavy taxes.
Hundreds of millions of taxpayers are not entitled to
any welfare or social benefits,
because they are "outsiders of the system."
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