唐柏桥是betway必威体育官网 和平民主联盟主席,现定居美国纽约,关于他的英文自传《我的两个betway必威体育官网 》(“一个betway必威体育官网 反革命的实录”)即将由美国普罗米修斯出版社出版。此书作者是唐柏桥、达蒙˙迪马科。
唐柏桥是betway必威体育官网 现阶段最具影响力的持不同政见者之一。他的名字在天安门广场大屠杀期间曾成为传奇。在过去21年来,他一直战斗在betway必威体育官网 民运的最前线。他曾发誓要继续战斗,直到一个自由betway必威体育官网 的梦想得以实现。
此时此刻,很多betway必威体育官网 人正在被他们自己的政府关押和酷刑。这些人不是冷酷的罪犯、杀人犯、盗窃犯,也不是恐怖份子。他们并没有做错任何事。他们是学生领袖、记者、博客作者、人权活动家,甚至僧侣,他们唯一的“罪行”是他们想要民主。他们只是希望他们的声音在他们正在致力建设的国家被人们听到。
普罗米修斯出版社新闻表示,《我的两个betway必威体育官网 》是其中这样一位政治犯撰写的回忆录。唐柏桥是betway必威体育官网 现阶段最具影响力的持不同政见者之一。他的名字在天安门广场大屠杀期间曾成为传奇。在过去21年来,他一直战斗在betway必威体育官网 民运的最前线。他曾发誓要继续战斗,直到一个自由betway必威体育官网 的梦想得以实现。
唐柏桥现在在纽约过着流亡的生活。他已成为全世界数以百万计的正在为自由与开放社会而战的人们心中的活着的传奇人物。最近betway必威体育官网 在世界舞台上的强力突起,使得他们的政府残酷迫害本国人民的人权恶行面临越来越大的压力。
唐柏桥(纽约市)现任betway必威体育官网 和平民主联盟主席,着有《失败之歌》(人权观察于1992年出版),同时曾在哥伦比亚大学国际关系学院院刊、betway必威体育官网 、自由时报、开放杂志和大纪元报等媒体上发表大量文章。他还曾在自由亚洲电台、新唐人电视台和其他节目中担任特约评论员。他还经常接受包括ABC、NBC、BBC、纽约时报、华盛顿邮报、华尔街日报、新闻周刊等美国国内和国际媒体的采访。
Prometheus New Releases – March 2011
History / Autobiography
My Two Chinas
The Memoir of a Chinese Counterrevolutionary
Baiqiao Tang with Damon DiMarco
At this moment, people in China are being imprisoned and tortured by their own government. These people are not hardened criminals, murderers, thieves, or terrorists. They’ve done nothing wrong. They are student leaders, journalists, bloggers, human rights activists, and monks whose only “crime” is that they want democracy. They want their voices to be heard in a nation they’ve helped to build.
My Two Chinas is the memoir of one such political prisoner. Baiqiao Tang is one of China’s most influential modern dissidents. Tang’s name became legendary during the time of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Over the past 21 years, he has remained on the front lines of the Chinese pro-democracy movement, where he has vowed to keep fighting until the dream of a free China is realized.
In 1989, Tang was a student leader organizing pro-democracy demonstrations in Hunan province. On June 4 of that year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) quashed the movement Tang helped to lead in the now infamous Tiananmen Square massacre. During the nationwide crackdown that ensued against “counterrevolutionaries,” the CCP issued a warrant for Tang’s arrest. Tang recalls in detail his shock upon seeing his face plastered on a “wanted” poster at a train station. He attempted to flee to Macau but was captured before he could cross the border. In prison, Tang witnessed and endured medieval tortures that no human should ever experience. Eventually, he escaped to America with help from the United States government.
Now living in exile in New York City,Baiqiao Tang has become a living legend among the millions of people worldwide who fight for a free and open society. China’s recent, stratospheric rise to prominence on the world stage has brought its government under increased pressure to account for its notorious human rights atrocities inflicted on its own people.
This unique, timely, suspenseful, and ultimately inspiring memoir will resonate with people from all walks of life and from all backgrounds who care about human rights and the future of free society.
Baiqiao Tang (New York, NY)is the chair of the China Peace and Democracy Federation and the author of Anthems of Defeat (Human Rights Watch, 1992) and numerous articles in such publications as Columbia University’s Journal of the School of Internationaland Public Affairs, The Secret China, Liberty Times, Open magazine, and the Epoch Times. He has also been a special commentator for Radio Free Asia, New Dynasty TV, and other programs. He is frequently interviewed by national and international media, including ABC, NBC, the BBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, and other media outlets.
Damon DiMarco (New York, NY) is the author of Tower Stories: An Oral History of 9/11, with a foreword by 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas H. Kean, and Shock and Awe: Soldiers’ Voices from the Front Lines in Iraq.
He is the coauthor with Roy Simmons of Out of Bounds: Coming Out of Sexual Abuse, Addiction, and My Life of Lies in the NFL Closet. Mr. DiMarco is also an actor. He has written two books on acting, and has taught the subject at colleges, trade schools, and in private sessions.
350 pages (photos) ‧ ISBN 978-1-61614-445-6 ‧
Hardcover: $26 ‧ Ebook: $12.99
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