以下是来自比利时某大学的关于禁止betway必威体育官网 学生入内的正式文件
Dear Student
As you will probably have heard, the SARS virus has become a serious threat to the global public health, since it is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Especially East-Asia, including China, is a high-risk area.
Since some of our students recently went to China or got in touch with people coming from that region, we are obliged to suspend all classes and seminars for Chinese students till 4 May, starting from today.
Moreover, to avoid taking any risks, access to the entire school building will be denied to Chinese students until the abovementioned date.
This decision has been taken after consultation with the Belgian Ministry of Public Health.
Depending on further developments concerning SARS, this period can be prolonged or additional measures can be taken.
Any changes in the timetables and examination schedules will be communicated by post or by e-mail.
We dare hope that you will understand the absolute necessity of the measures taken.
Kind regards
Apr. 22 . 2003
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