
发表:2002-10-21 19:29
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芝加哥DePaul 大学一位学生团体组织者从中领馆回来,向该团体发电邮汇报他们将要执行的“严肃的政治使命”--“欢迎江泽民”。

电邮详尽描述怎样按照中领馆的要求去欢迎江泽民才能得到中领馆提供的免费汗衫。其中一项要求是要参加23日清早6:05AM的活动。如果只参加第一天(22日)的欢迎活动,则只能提供半价 (17.5$/35$)的汗衫。

电邮称,去“欢迎”江泽民对“迎江队”的学生来说可能只是觉得好玩和特别,但对中共政府则是一件非常严肃的政治使命(very serious political mission)。电邮又称,如果“欢迎”队伍中出现其它团体的抗议者,该组织者个人将采取非常强烈的行动(take very strong and emotional action),但没有说是什么“行动”(action)。

Hi Guys:

Just come back from Consulate; now glad to report to you, please carefully read following points:

First of all there are some change,

1). Due to the budget problem from consulate which rely on the quota (30) assigned to DePaul University, (but current registration is much larger than it) we only can afford the sweaters for DePaul students or staffs, your friends or family members may not get one, except we get more quota, but we still hope they can join with us, as it may be only way to enter into the sensitive scene.

2). The mission assigned to us includes the second morning (6:05AM 23rd) participation, the allowance for the sweaters is based on this participation. Although I understand most of you are night animals, we strongly hope you can overcome any difficulties. It is not only the consolidation of DePaul group, but also personal contribution. (But we definitely understand the people who have work). If you only want to take part in the first day event, we will charge you the half price of the sweaters (17.5$/35$), please note DePaul CSA ITSELF has to suffer the loss because of your decision, as the allowance from consulate will be also based on the number participating in second day. (We will charge it on the first day)

3). To us, it may be fun and special experience, but to China Government, it is very serious political mission, the police office will develop another place for the opponents and dissenters (for example, FaLun, Tibet and Taiwan independent members), if you or some guys belongs to these groups and mix with us, policemen will take you out and put you to other places. Furthermore, it will damage our DePaul reputation and credit if such things happen in WELCOME team. I may personally take very strong and emotional action, although it is only personal issue to them, I don't care if it is proposed some other place, but it is my personal credit and promise. Hope we all can understand.



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