(1) 在2002年1月1日前申請的申請人,在2003年3月31日至2003年6月20日被拒的申請人,和
(2) 在2002年1月1日至2003年6月20日撤消申請的申請人可以重新申請。申請人必需在2005年1月1日前通知移民部。
1. 在省級政府認可的公立或私立大專學院完成教育部認可的2年課程,取得畢業證;
2. 畢業後取得工作簽證,在加拿大工作一年;
3. 參加英語考試,獲得平均6分的成績。
Announcement of
Changes to the Immigration and
Refugee Protection Regulations
Ottawa, Ontario
September 18, 2003
Check against delivery
* * * * *
Good morning.
Let me get right to the point. Today I am proposing several changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
These changes will allow more skilled workers to have their applications assessed under the provisions of Canada's old Immigration Act. They will also lower the pass mark for federal skilled worker applicants.
The proposed changes reflect the principles of fairness, openness and flexibility which form the core of Canada's immigration program.
They respond to the needs of many newcomers who applied to come to Canada under the previous rules, and they will continue to help us attract and retain the skilled workers businesses will need to effectively compete in a global economy.
First, I am proposing that the applications of everyone in the previous economic applicant category who filed for permanent residency status before January 1, 2002 be assessed under the provisions of the former Immigration Act.
This represents another step in our efforts to bring a fair end to the old system, while ensuring that the new system is introduced in the most open and transparent way possible.
Second, I am proposing changes that will lower the pass-mark for federal skilled worker applicants in the system who have not yet received a selection decision from 75 to 67.
Lowering the pass mark will make it even easier for Canada to attract skilled workers businesses need, while continuing to ensure newcomers can thrive quickly in their new environment.
I said when IRPA was initially implemented that we would closely monitor the pass mark and adjust it to better match our needs. This is what we are now doing.
The Government has consulted widely and regularly since 1996 to build an immigration system that meets the needs of all involved -- from the applicants themselves to employers and communities that need skilled workers and the taxpayers who fund the immigration program in Canada.
Today's proposed changes to the regulations reflect our ongoing efforts to listen to the viewpoints of all stakeholders and respond in a way that continues to encourage immigration within the confines of existing resources and a balanced plan.
Thank you.
(源自: www.mapleleafcollege.ca)
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